Summer camp can be one of the most memorable experiences for kids. It’s often the first taste of independence, fun from sunrise to sundown, and making lasting memories. A sure-fire way to make summer camp a negative experience for a child is if they get a tick bite that leads to Lyme disease or other tick-borne illness.
For parents, it might be the first time your child is away from your supervision. Away from you saying ‘no’ to Fruit Loops for breakfast. Away from you applying sunscreen. And away from you applying tick repellent and doing a nightly tick check. Don’t panic. While these tips won’t help with the Fruit Loops, these 3 simple tips are easy to go over with your camper before they take off for a few weeks of fun.
Wear clothing that keeps ticks off your skin and makes them easier to spot, including:
Use both on-skin and on-clothing tick repellent to ask as double protection.
Check for ticks every day. Look everywhere, they love to hide! And remember, a nymph tick is about the size of a poppy seed; and adult tick about the size of a sesame seed.
Before your kids head off for fun, go through these tips with them and show them how to apply repellent properly and perform their own tick checks.
Additional tools and resources: