Global Lyme Alliance (GLA) CEO Laura MacNeill discusses 3 exciting GLA-funded research updates
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As an organization, GLA is committed to improving the quality of life of people suffering from Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. As part of that, it’s our responsibility to keep you updated on the exciting advances we’ve been making. Here are three GLA-funded research updates you should know about.
In my last video, you may have heard me talk about a potential new treatment for Lyme disease called Hygromycin A. This week, GLA made another investment to try to bring this drug to market. We are working with a biotech firm called FlightPath, who has the license to develop Hygromycin A. It’s currently in preclinical trials. This will be a multi-year effort to get it through the FDA, and it could be available by 2028. We’re very excited about this research, as it could be the first new drug for Lyme disease in 30 years.
Second, an exciting discovery from Monica Embers at Tulane university found the Lyme bacteria in the postmortem brain tissue of a chronic, neurological Lyme patient who was treated with antibiotics. This finding supports the hypothesis that Lyme can persist in patients, even after extensive treatment – a hypothesis that many doctors did not believe to be true. We are funding Dr. Embers to expand upon this study to continue this search, as well as looking for the bacteria in those who had Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
And third, GLA is excited to see progress in the development of a highly sensitive Lyme disease detection test that could help doctors diagnose the disease faster and more accurately. The test, in development by Ionica Sciences, is designed to quickly confirm the presence of the Lyme bacteria. This test is important because current tests are not always accurate – only detecting antibodies. The longer the patient goes without treatment, the higher the potential for significant persistent symptoms. Lyme disease antibodies take up to 14 days to become detectable. By directly detecting the bacteria that causes Lyme, the test will fill the current blind spot in the time from infection to diagnosis. It also allows testing for reinfection and can help to determine if a person is cured of active Lyme.
These are just a few of the many projects in the works that can significantly impact the lives of suffering patients and help those in the future. To learn more about our important work, visit us on social or at