Global superstar & philanthropist Avril Lavigne joins GLA’s Board as part of her mission to impact individuals suffering from Lyme disease
STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT (October 16, 2018)
Global Lyme Alliance (GLA) is excited to announce that internationally acclaimed singer/songwriter Avril Lavigne has joined its Board of Directors. Avril has personally been affected by Lyme disease and is dedicated to making an impact in conquering this often debilitating illness that impacts millions worldwide. Avril’s board seat coincides with the recent partnership announcement of The Avril Lavigne Foundation and GLA.
“Lyme disease nearly stole my life. I am committed to helping find answers so that others don’t have to suffer as I did,” said Avril. “The Avril Lavigne Foundation recently shifted our focus to include not only providing prevention resources, and funding treatment for individuals affected by Lyme, but also to begin accelerating research as well, in order to provide hope and transform lives. Joining forces with Global Lyme Alliance was the natural next step & I am honored to be part of this amazing team.
GLA’s leadership and focus on research is crucial to drive real change in how Lyme disease is understood and improve the lives of patients worldwide. ” Avril’s newly released single, “Head Above Water,” is about her own battle with Lyme disease, and The Avril Lavigne Foundation launched a charitable t-shirt initiative in conjunction with its release. Proceeds are being allocated for a collaborative initiative between The Avril Lavigne Foundation and Global Lyme Alliance, which will provide treatment for individuals affected by Lyme, who otherwise couldn’t afford it. From now through October 26, the t-shirt is available at www.TheAvrilLavigneFoundation.org
“It’s an honor to work with Avril and her team,” said GLA’s CEO Scott Santarella. “We are inspired by her message, her strength, and her unrelenting passion to make a difference in this insidious disease. The complexity and magnitude of this disease demands that the community works together, making Avril’s commitment and partnership so meaningful to all of us.”
Lyme disease is an illness caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, transmitted through the bite of an infected black-legged tick. The disease has been reported in all 50 states and more than 80 countries. It’s estimated that there are 329,000 new cases in the U.S. each year, according to the CDC. All ages are affected, but children aged 3-14 are most at risk, with 200 new cases every day. Early diagnosis and treatment is the key to combating the disease. However, current diagnostics are 55% inaccurate, leading to delayed treatment. If untreated, Lyme disease can become a severely debilitating illness affecting multiple organs, including joints, heart, brain and other parts of the central nervous system. Even when treated early, up to 20% go on to suffer debilitating long-term symptoms that are difficult, if not impossible, to cure.
The Avril Lavigne Foundation supports individuals with Lyme disease, serious illnesses and disabilities. Through programs and grants, it provides funding, education and encouragement for its beneficiaries to follow their dreams, no matter what their circumstances. The Avril Lavigne Foundation’s vision is to lead and inspire a community including, fans, friends, families, advocates and partners who can come together to provide unity and support for those in need. Learn more at theavrillavignefoundation.org
Global Lyme Alliance (GLA) is the leading 501(c)(3) dedicated to conquering Lyme disease through research, education and awareness. GLA has gained national prominence for funding the most urgent and promising research in the field, while expanding education and awareness programs for the general public and physicians. To learn more about GLA’s unrivaled focus on the science of Lyme visit GLA.org.
*** For GLA, contact: Holly Wainwright Global Lyme Alliance Holly.Wainwright@GLA.org
***For Avril Lavigne, contact: Kristen Foster PMK BNC Kristen.Foster@pmkbnc.com