Our first :30 second radio ad played during the Super Bowl LV, and now we are the Official Lyme Disease Awareness Partner of the NY Mets and Yankees Radio Networks. You can hear our ads live during the Yankees/Mets broadcasts each game throughout the season, reaching over 1.3 million weekly! We are also sponsoring the Tom Seaver Player Profile segments. Stay tuned to the Yankees/Mets Radio Network Affiliate Stations or stream the games on WFAN.com, RADIO.com, and any devices or smart speakers that play WFAN.
GLA also launched a full digital campaign that will deliver 3.7 million impressions via streaming audio and companion ad banners online. We will be expanding our radio campaign in the fall to include airing on Traffic Weather and Information Network (TWIN).
Through this campaign, we are educating millions on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of Lyme disease and GLA's programs. We are looking forward to advancing our mission to conquer Lyme & other tick-borne diseases through this initiative. GLA is grateful to our co-sponsors who helped to make this campaign possible through their generous support. Thanks to Bioenergy DevCo (Yankees/June), The NorthStar Consulting Group (Mets/June), Avison Young (Yankees/August), and Kodak (Yankees/September).L