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All Blog Posts

Tainted Transfusions: Why Screening Blood is More Important Than Ever
January 3, 2017
by Mayla Hsu, Ph.D., GLA Science Officer
Looking Back, Looking Ahead, Giving Thanks
December 29, 2016
by Jennifer Crystal
Locking Up the Obstacle of Guilt
December 19, 2016
by Jennifer Crystal
How to Deal With Bad News About Your Health
December 17, 2016
Updated on February 17, 2023 Getting bad news is hard for anyone. For people with a chronic illness, like Lyme disease, it can happen often. Here are 8 tips to help you manage the bad news. I went thr...
Tick-borne Infections on the Rise in Gray Wolves
December 14, 2016
by Mayla Hsu, Ph.D., GLA Science Officer
It’s Not All or Nothing
December 13, 2016
by Jennifer Crystal
A Naval Aviator’s Experience with Lyme Disease
December 9, 2016
by Luke D. Miller #MyLymeLife
Lyme Disease Prevention Needs Co-Operation, Not Isolation
December 6, 2016
by Hannah Staab and Mayla Hsu, Ph.D., GLA Science Officer
Trauma and Lyme Disease
December 2, 2016
by Susan Pogorzelski #MyLymeLife
From Lyme to the NYC Marathon’s Finish Line
November 30, 2016
Running a marathon of 26.2 miles is a herculean effort even for most healthy people. But for those who suffer a chronic health issue, like Lyme disease, it requires determination and drive that most o...
Spreading the Light of Gratitude
November 22, 2016
by Jennifer Crystal
How to Be a Good Partner to Someone with Chronic Illness
November 16, 2016
How do I know how to be a good partner to someone with a chronic illness? Because I have a one....but that wasn’t always the case.
Never Give Up
November 15, 2016
by Jennifer Crystal
Falling Back: It’s Not Real
November 9, 2016
by Jennifer Crystal
Night Sweats & Lyme
November 4, 2016
by Anthony Brandt #MyLymeLife
Stabilizing Blood Sugar During a Season of Sweets
November 1, 2016
by Jennifer Crystal
Halloween: No Costume Necessary
October 28, 2016
by Jennifer Crystal
Grieving the Loss of a Career to Chronic Illness
October 18, 2016
Searching For Home When You’re Stuck in Lyme Land
October 17, 2016
by Jennifer Crystal
Seasonal Fear of Missing Out
October 7, 2016
by Jennifer Crystal
What Failure to Control Ticks in Uganda Teaches Everyone
September 26, 2016
by Hannah Staab
Dream Like New
September 22, 2016
by Susan Pogorzelski #MyLymeLife
Tick, Tick, Tick: The Race Against Time
September 20, 2016
by Jennifer Crystal
The High Cost of Telling Someone ‘You Don’t Look Sick’
September 16, 2016
Updated: February 17, 2023 I remember the first time someone told me, “You don’t look sick.” I was sitting in urgent care and the doctor told me I had a rare infection in my spine after seven months o...
Tackling To-Do Lists When You’re Too Tired To Do So
September 12, 2016
When Lyme, or any chronic illness, turns once mundane tasks into the near impossible.
Missing the Summer of Life
August 23, 2016
by Jennifer Crystal
The Effect of Drought on Tick-Borne Disease in Africa
August 22, 2016
By Hannah Staab
Podcast: Symptoms of Lyme Disease
August 17, 2016
What are the effects of Borrelia burgdorferi on the body?
Lyme and the Olympics, Part Two: Of Dashed Dreams and New Lives
August 12, 2016
By Jennifer Crystal
Is Lyme Disease Treatable?
August 10, 2016
Dr. Harriet Kotsoris, chief scientific officer with Global Lyme Alliance, discusses Lyme disease treatment, prevention, and transmission.
Lyme and the Olympics: Part One of a Two-Part Series
August 5, 2016
By Jennifer Crystal
Podcast: The Facts on Lyme Disease
August 3, 2016
Understanding Lyme disease can be as complicated as the bacteria that causes it. Global Lyme Alliance is launching a podcast series to help make sense of it all. The podcasts will cover everything fro...
HOT, HOT, HOT: What a Heat Wave Means for Lyme Patients
August 2, 2016
Learn how extreme temperatures can worsen Lyme symptoms and discover essential tips to stay cool and manage the effects of heat waves on Lyme patients in this insightful blog post by Jennifer Crystal....
Blood and Water: How Infection Changes Tick Behavior
July 26, 2016
By Hannah Staab
Letter from CEO on Lyme Disease Research Initiatives
July 22, 2016
Global Lyme Alliance CEO Scott Santarella highlights key research initiatives in the 2015-2016 grants cycle.
Steps to Avoid Tick Bites This Summer
July 21, 2016
Important steps to avoid tick bites, and Lyme disease, for a safer summer.
Effect of Landscape Fragmentation on the Prevalence of Infected Ticks
July 20, 2016
By Hannah Staab
If there's a Lyme vaccine for dogs, why not for people?
July 18, 2016
Dr. Harriet Kotsoris, chief scientific officer with Global Lyme Alliance, answers this question and many more as a guest on “Steve Dale’s Other World,” a WGNPlus podcast, part of the StopLyme Campaign...
Lyme Disease Spread by Migratory Birds
July 13, 2016
By Hannah Staab & Mayla Hsu, Ph.D.
July 6, 2016
Global Lyme Alliance grant recipient, Dr. Alla Landa is currently seeking volunteers for her study, “Reducing Chronic Pain in Post-Treatment Lyme Syndrome: a Brain Imaging and Treatment Study” at Colu...
How Climate Change Can Impact Lyme Disease
July 5, 2016
By Hannah Staab
How To Stay Tick-Safe on the Golf Course This Summer
June 29, 2016
Another in our summer series on Lyme prevention: How To Stay Tick-Safe on the Gold Course This Summer.
Tips for Lyme Disease Prevention at Camp
June 22, 2016
It’s time for summer camp! Here are 6 easy tips for tick safety and Lyme disease prevention this season. As staffers, parents and kids prepare for another memorable summer at camp, there is one import...
The Bigger Picture: Part Two By Jennifer Crystal
June 20, 2016
Taking Care of Our Overall Health Within the Context of Chronic Lyme
Lyme Disease Needs Better Test, Better Answers
June 17, 2016
Dr. Harriet Kotsoris, Chief Scientific Officer, Global Lyme Alliance and Dr. Mayla Hsu, Science Officer, Global Lyme Alliance
The Bigger Picture By Jennifer Crystal
June 10, 2016
The Bigger Picture: A Two-Part Series on Taking Care of Our Overall Health Within the Context of Chronic Lyme
Request for Proposals (RFP)
May 9, 2016
The Global Lyme Alliance is pleased to issue a request for proposals (RFP) for research grants to be awarded in 2016.
Federal Lyme Bill Needs Your Support Now!
April 28, 2016
For nearly 20 years, Senator Richard Blumenthal has been a leader in the fight against Lyme disease and a strong supporter of those suffering from the illness. He introduced the Lyme and Tick-Borne Di...
GLA Disagrees with NEJM Study Conclusions
April 12, 2016
The March 31, 2016 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine published a study of antibiotic treatment for long-term Lyme disease (Berende et al.). Individuals were treated with a two-week course o...
Valentine’s Day: a Celebration of Self-Love By Jennifer Crystal
February 9, 2016
This week my mailbox started filling with cute cut-out cards and cupids. Stores are selling red and pink balloons and boxes of chocolates, and roses are suddenly a dime a dozen. Despite temperatures t...
Reclaiming My Identity: Part Two By Jennifer Crystal
February 2, 2016
In last week’s poem “Never Say Never”, I wrote about getting back on my skis for the first time since being sidelined by tick borne illness. It was a proud, humbling, and cathartic moment, one that br...
Reclaiming My Identity: Part One of a Two-Part Series By Jennifer Crystal
January 29, 2016
This week, my creative writing students read Taylor Mali’s poem “Tony Steinberg, Brave Seventh Grade Viking Warrior”.
Staycationing By Jennifer Crystal
January 22, 2016
During last winter’s Snowpocalyse, posters advertising trips to Florida started appearing around Boston. As I trudged through ten feet of snow in big boots, I caught glimpses of people in bathing suit...
Laughter Really Can Be the Best Medicine By Jennifer Crystal
January 15, 2016
January can be a tough month. With the holidays over and temperatures dipping to a deep freeze, the horizon can look as bleak as frozen tundra. This time of year is difficult for many people, not just...
GLA Awards Over $1 Million In New Grants in 2015!
December 7, 2015
Global Lyme Alliance (GLA), the nation’s leading nonprofit funder of Lyme and tick-borne disease research and education, announced today that it has awarded a record total of over $1 million in grants...
Top 22 Facts About Lyme Disease You Probably Don't Know
November 26, 2015
1. Lyme is the fastest growing vector-borne disease in America. Source: CDC 2014 2. Over 329,000 new cases in US alone each year according to the CDC – that is 38 new cases each hour. 3. Children are ...
‘Rhony’ Heather Thomson “Biting Back” Against Lyme Disease
May 7, 2015
May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month and we’ve launched a Bite Back Against Lyme campaign in partnership with Heather Thomson, one of Bravo TV’s “Real Housewives of New York City.”
10 Top Myths About Lyme Disease
May 4, 2015
Lyme disease has become one of the fastest growing epidemics in the nation. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, there are more than 329,000 new cases in the U.S. each year. But...
Smart Landscaping to Outsmart Ticks at Home, Part 3 by Bob Oley
May 1, 2014
When working to make property as tick safe as possible, residents need to pay special attention to the property’s most frequently used areas. They should also keep in mind that drier areas are more ap...
Smart Landscaping to Outsmart Ticks at Home, Part 2 by Bob Oley
April 1, 2014
When working to protect the home and surrounding property from ticks, homeowners should deter deer from feeding on vegetation in the yard because deer are almost always infested with feeding ticks. On...
Smart Landscaping to Outsmart Ticks at Home, Part 1 by Bob Oley
March 1, 2014
Over the next few weeks, TBDA will share a three-part series of posts exploring ways to protect homes and surrounding property from ticks through a comprehensive landscape management plan aimed at cre...
Holiday Hints by Bob Oley
December 1, 2013
It is that time of year again when we are getting in the holiday spirit, and thinking about going out and buying a Christmas tree or cutting one down on your own. Before doing so however, keep in mind...
Hidden Dangers In The Cold Fall & Winter by Bob Oley
November 1, 2013
Just when you were breathing a welcomed sigh of relief that the cold fall and winter weather would bring an end to the unforgiving spring and summer tick season, think again. Thanks to a protein in th...
Think Twice About Those Fall Activities by Bob Oley
September 1, 2013
Once again it is fall when we look forward with eager anticipation to those outside activities that take up our weekends, whether it is raking leaves in our own backyard, watching our children play so...
Choosing the Right Tick Repellent for Your Skin by Bob Oley
July 1, 2013
Choosing just the right tick repellent for use on one’s skin to prevent getting bitten by a tick is a task not to be taken lightly. Your health, and that of your family members, depends on it. All tic...
Preventing TBDs will Make You a Happy Camper by Bob Oley
June 18, 2013
Summer camp season has arrived, and you have probably packed your children for some memorable weeks away from home. Weeks spent in nature though will also carry risks, and you have no doubt done every...
Lyme Disease, Deer Ticks and Campers by Bob Oley
May 1, 2013
Summer camp is right around the corner, and that means there are lots of details to be taken care of before your children head off to camp. One important detail that often escapes parents’ notice is p...
Winter Warning! Beware of Deer Ticks by Bob Oley
February 18, 2013
Outdoor enthusiasts beware! Whether you are walking your dog, playing winter golf, enjoying cross country skiing, hunting, or just going out to the woodpile to get wood for your fireplace, you need to...