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All Blog Posts

Living in the Present While Worrying About the Future
October 6, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Breaking Down Lyme Disease and the Blood-Brain Barrier
October 1, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
What Lyme Patients Can Teach Us About the New Normal
September 25, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Lyme Arthritis and Inflammation: Shut It Off!
September 23, 2020
A summary of 3 Lyme arthritis studies and how our immune system can fail to shut off when there’s an infection. by Mayla Hsu, Ph.D., Director of Research and Science, GLA
Have You Heard of the Tick-Borne Disease Babesiosis?
September 15, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Intravenous Antibiotics for Lyme: Pros, Cons, and the Lived Experience
September 3, 2020
Has your doctor recommended you get a PICC line to treat your Lyme disease? Here are the pros and cons of IV antibiotics for Lyme. When diagnosed right away, many cases of Lyme disease can be treated ...
Dear Lyme Warrior…Help! Tick Bites, Being Bedridden, and Migraine Treatments
August 27, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
The need for an alternative to current antibody-based Lyme disease diagnostic tests
August 25, 2020
by Timothy J. Sellati, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, Global Lyme Alliance
Cooling Off When Swimming Isn’t an Option
August 19, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Corona With a Twist of Lyme: Part 4
August 13, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Differentiating Between Babesia and COVID-19 Air Hunger
August 5, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
We’re Not Out of the Woods Yet
July 29, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
The Lyme Voices You Didn't Hear at TBDWG Meeting
July 23, 2020
The Tick-borne Disease Working Group (TBDWG) issued a public request to hear from patients willing to share their stories for its July 8, 2020 meeting. It’s an important part of these meetings, where ...
Overcoming Lyme Disease GI Issues with Kate Farms
July 22, 2020
Do we need clinical trials, even for long-used drugs?
July 21, 2020
With the need for fast treatment options, for COVID-19 and other diseases, is it necessary to re-approve drugs already approved by the FDA? by Timothy J. Sellati, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, Glob...
Lyme Arthritis: The Antibody Connection
July 20, 2020
by Mayla Hsu, Ph.D., Director of Research and Science, GLA
Calculating Risks
July 17, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Dear Lyme Warrior…Help! Finding a Job with a Chronic Illness
July 10, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
You Know Your Body Best
July 7, 2020
We grow up thinking of doctors as all-knowing. That whatever "the doctor" said—be it the Primary Care Physician, the family doctor, or the ER doctor—was once deemed absolute. This doesn’t have to be t...
Managing Burning Extremities: Lyme Disease Burning Sensation
June 26, 2020
Dealing with unexplained symptoms? Don’t rule out Lyme & other tick-borne diseases. Last night I went to sleep about an hour past my usual bedtime. Revved up from a busy day which included teachin...
Is the Clinical Trials Process Working?
June 25, 2020
GLA’s Chief Scientific Officer takes an important look at our current clinical trials process. Is it still working? Does it serve patient needs?
The Advantage of Public-Private Partnerships to Accelerate Progress for Patients
June 23, 2020
GLA’s CEO Scott Santarella shares his insight on how scientific advancements that benefit patients can be accelerated through public-private partnerships, as he witnessed during his previous work in c...
Lyme Patients, Make Your Voice Heard
June 22, 2020
Time-sensitive: Act now to make your voice heard at the national level by submitting your comments to the tick-borne disease working group by June 24th Science shows that chronic Lyme exists. Now it’s...
The Comfort of Solidarity
June 19, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Speaking Up for the Immunocompromised
June 17, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
One Bite Is All It Takes - Lyme Awareness Month Campaign Results
June 16, 2020
GLA’s campaign wrap-up for Lyme Disease Awareness Month 2020
Corona With a Twist of Lyme: Part 3
June 11, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Dear Lyme Warrior…Help! Antibiotics and Memory Issues with Lyme
May 28, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
The Importance of Being Vigilant
May 21, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Lyme Disease Research Remains Active During Pandemic
May 16, 2020
GLA-funded researchers are still focused on their Lyme disease research initiatives
What a Difference a Year Makes
May 13, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
PODCAST: In The Lymelight - Lyme Awareness Month
May 6, 2020
Research Sharing: What Can Lyme Disease Learn from Skin Cancer?
May 6, 2020
Is it possible to leverage research findings and treatment options for malignant cancers, like skin cancer, for Lyme disease?
Don’t Forget It’s Tick Season, Too
May 4, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Pandemics, Ecology, and Food Production: Is There a Connection?
April 28, 2020
Why and how do pandemics emerge? Is there a connection between our ecosystems and global food production?
Lyme and COVID-19 Panel: Follow-up Q and A
April 24, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Corona With a Twist of Lyme: Part 2
April 21, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Why Are Virus Infections Like COVID-19 Resistant to Antibiotics?
April 16, 2020
While many bacteria can be treated with antibiotics, it’s not the same for virus infections like COVID-19
Top Ten Myths About Lyme Disease
April 6, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Parallel Pandemics: COVID-19 and Lyme Disease
April 2, 2020
Are there connections between COVID-19 and Lyme disease? by Timothy J. Sellati, Chief Scientific Officer, GLA
Keeping the Big Picture in Mind: Don’t Overlook Your Other Health Issues
March 31, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Lyme Disease Physician Answers Questions About COVID-19
March 27, 2020
Patient-Doctor Q&A: Lyme Disease and COVID-19 Interview by Alex Moresco
Corona With a Twist of Lyme
March 26, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
The Importance of Digging Deep
March 24, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Lyme Brain: The Science and the Experience
March 18, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Letter from CEO About COVID-19 and GLA Community
March 17, 2020
The well-being of our community is an ongoing priority for Global Lyme Alliance (GLA). The current COVID-19 pandemic has created a new set of challenges for everyone, especially those whose health is ...
Research POV: Lyme Arthritis and Peptidoglycan
March 11, 2020
Important study identifies the Borrelia burgdorferi peptidoglycan as an immunogen likely to cause Lyme arthritis in some patients
Lyme Education Ambassadors: Active In the Community
March 10, 2020
Global Lyme Alliance’s (GLA) Lyme Education Ambassador Program (LEAP) has been busy since it began in August 2018, thanks to a growing team of dedicated volunteer Ambassadors
Lobbying for Lyme Disease on Capitol Hill
March 9, 2020
Learning first-hand the power of coming together to get things done, as Lyme patients and advocates joined together in Washington, D.C. to lobby for Lyme disease research and awareness
Dear Lyme Warrior…Help! Herxheimer Reactions and Colleges in High Tick Areas
March 6, 2020
By Jennifer Crystal
Are Current Tick Prevention Methods for Dogs Working?
March 2, 2020
With all the pills, vaccines, collars, and topicals spent on tick prevention methods for dogs, why do cases of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses in dogs continue to rise?
The Leaps of Lyme
February 29, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Why Is Lyme Disease So Hard to Treat?
February 28, 2020
For many Lyme disease patients, the bacteria seem to outsmart antibiotic treatment. Why?
Mixed Messages: Finding Your Truth
February 20, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Hugging it Out: How Physical Connection Helps Us Heal
February 14, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Stop the Itching! Lyme and Hives
February 13, 2020
Do you get unexplained hives? Could it be Lyme disease?
When Nothing’s Funny, Even Simulated Laughter Can Be Good Medicine
February 6, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
No Set Protocol
January 28, 2020
The Making of a Lyme Disease Research Scientist
January 22, 2020
Most Lyme disease stories start with a tick bite and symptoms. But Ashley Groshong’s (pictured) Lyme disease odyssey began by peering down a microscope lens. As a young biology student at the Universi...
Why Good Science is Crucial
January 21, 2020
While the road to drug discovery and new treatment options for Lyme disease may seem slow, it’s imperative that the science is sound.
Dear Lyme Warrior…Help! Anxiety and Chronic Symptoms
January 14, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
2020 Vision For Lyme Warriors
January 3, 2020
by Jennifer Crystal
Tick-Borne Disease: The Year in Review
December 29, 2019
by Jennifer Crystal
Dealing with Brain Fog: Brain Fog and Lyme Disease
December 24, 2019
December 19, 2019
With 2019 drawing to a close, I want to take a moment to thank you for being a part of our community. Your generous support—whether in research dollars, program participation, or simply standing in so...
The Avril Lavigne Foundation and GLA Discuss Tick-Borne Disease at Global Health Forum
December 18, 2019
Real change happens when we work together. This is especially true when it comes to advancing the Lyme disease and tick-borne illness agenda, be it through research, awareness, funding, or patient sup...
Risk-Benefit Analysis of Tick-Borne Disease Treatments
December 16, 2019
by Jennifer Crystal
Gratitude for the Long Game
November 27, 2019
Though we may spiral through difficult times, we must remember that we are still moving forward, if slowly. One is often reminded of Martin Luther King’s quote, a paraphrase of abolitionist minister T...
Dear Lyme Warrior…Help! Migratory Pain and Chronic Lyme Disease
November 21, 2019
Every few months, Jennifer Crystal devotes a column to answering your questions. Here she answers some questions she recently received. Do you have a question for Jennifer? If so, email her at lymewar...
Lyme: The Differential Diagnosis
November 15, 2019
By Jennifer Crystal
Highlights from ILADS 2019
November 7, 2019
By Jennifer Crystal
Highlights: Team GLA Crushes 2019 TCS New York City Marathon
November 6, 2019
Thank You Team GLA!
On Disclosure: When and How Much to Tell
October 31, 2019
By Jennifer Crystal
The Difficulty—and Importance—of Asking for Help
October 22, 2019
Why is asking for help so hard? Sometimes it’s necessary, especially when you are chronically ill
In The Lymelight: Dating and Relationships with DJ McKerr
October 17, 2019
William Beesmer: Why Giving Back is So Important for This Lyme Patient
October 16, 2019
Life hasn’t always been easy for William Beesmer, a life-long resident of West Hurley, New York. Born into an impoverished family in 1943, he and his 15 brothers and sisters grew up in a home without ...
Unraveling Spirochetes: How to Get Rid of Spirochetes
October 15, 2019
by Jennifer Crystal
Dear Lyme Warrior…Help! Mental Health and Antibiotics
September 26, 2019
by Jennifer Crystal
Rest: The Most Important Message of My Dreams
September 20, 2019
by Jennifer Crystal
Kids and Lyme Disease: Cognitive Symptoms and School
September 5, 2019
Kids and Lyme disease, part 2. This blog addresses some common cognitive Lyme disease symptoms among children and how they may present in school
End of Summer Season Doesn’t Mean End of Tick Season
August 29, 2019
by Jennifer Crystal
Peer-to-Peer Support: A Personal Passion and Mission
August 28, 2019
GLA launched its Peer-to-Peer Mentor Support program in June 2019. The inspiration for this important program was our friend Kasey Passen.
A Call to Unite, Not Divide
August 25, 2019
by Jennifer Crystal
Kids and Lyme Disease: Time for a Post-Summer Symptom Check
August 21, 2019
Kids and Lyme disease, part 1. This blog addresses some common physical Lyme disease symptoms among children that may appear at early stage of the disease
August 19, 2019
IN THE LYMELIGHT: A SHOW ABOUT … WELL … LYME DISEASE Season 2, Episode 6 with Gwyn Prentice, co-founder and creator of Helen Jon
How to Be an Advocate with Your Non-Lyme Doctor
August 16, 2019
Here are 10 tips to most effectively work with your non-Lyme doctor
Meet Team GLA for the 2019 TCS New York City Marathon
August 14, 2019
Meet the Team GLA runners for the 2019 TCS New York City Marathon. All 5 have personal reasons for taking on the 26.2 mile run through the streets of New York City.
GLA Response to Proposed IDSA/AAN/ACR 2019 Draft Lyme Disease Guidelines
August 13, 2019
The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), along with the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), and the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), recently published a public request for comments ...
Traveling With Tick-Borne Illness
August 5, 2019
by Jennifer Crystal
Ticks are Everywhere. Don’t Believe Me? I was Bitten in My Own Bed.
August 2, 2019
By Caroline Lewis
How the New "Maybe It's Lyme" Article Hurts Lyme Patients
July 26, 2019
Is this becoming a trend? Another opinion piece on Lyme disease that dismisses post-treatment and chronic Lyme disease. The author calls these debilitating stages of Lyme an “identity” for people rath...
Dear Lyme Warrior…Help! Memory Loss and How to Travel with Lyme Disease
July 24, 2019
by Jennifer Crystal
The Aches and Pains of Tick-Borne Illnesses
July 23, 2019
For those with Lyme disease, the physical pain can be incredibly uncomfortable and difficult to deal with. The first time I saw the award-winning Lyme documentary Under Our Skin, I was seated in the t...
GLA Letter to Assistant Secretary of Health Re: TBDWG
July 18, 2019
Below is text from the letter sent to the Assistant Secretary of Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services regarding changes to the 2019 Tick-Borne Disease Working Group, by GLA Chair...
How to Keep Ticks Out of Your Party and Off Your Guests
July 17, 2019
You’ve gone through your party checklist from guests to food, but did you add tick prevention to your list? Follow these simple tips to keep ticks out of your party and off your guests.
Building Resilience
July 16, 2019
Lyme disease forces you to become incredibly resilient.
3 Tips to Protect Your Kids from a Tick Bite at Summer Camp
July 16, 2019
Summer camp can be one of the most memorable experiences for kids. It’s often the first taste of independence, fun from sunrise to sundown, and making lasting memories. A sure-fire way to make summer ...
Not All Lyme Rashes Are Created Equal
July 8, 2019
Lyme disease: that’s the illness you get when you find a bulls-eye rash, right?
One Article Cannot Dismiss the Facts About Lyme Disease
July 3, 2019
Updated on July 9 to include link to GLA’s Letter to the Editor that was submitted, and accepted, by The New York Times.
Podcast: In The Lymelight - Dr. Casey Kelley
July 1, 2019