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Make a Difference in the Fight Against Lyme

Every act of generosity makes a difference.

Make-a-Difference-in-the-Fight-Against-Lyme-Snackable_InstagramGifts and donations are indispensable, especially to organizations with a mission as ambitious as Global Lyme Alliance. We are dedicated to accelerating the development of more effective methods of diagnosis and treatment of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases—and leading the search for a cure. 

With 476,000 new cases of Lyme disease every year, effective prevention and treatments for Lyme are needed now more than ever. GLA has persevered during the COVID-19 pandemic and continued its life-changing work: GLA has awarded more than $16 million in support of our research programs, funding groundbreaking advances in Lyme research, diagnosis, and treatment to date that have led to unprecedented advances, such as:

  • Proving the existence of the previously disputed chronic Lyme condition

  • Decoding the Lyme genome

  • Discovering how the disease can survive antibiotic therapy

  • The discovery of the first new drug to treat acute Lyme disease in over 30 years, currently in preclinical trials

And there is still much to be done!

Your tax-free gift matters. It will make a difference to GLA’s life-enhancing work, and to those suffering from Lyme. 

If you would like to contribute but are not able to donate, start a fundraiser here.

Donate Today!