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Global Lyme Alliance is the leading nonprofit dedicated to conquering Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.

Our Mission: Cure Lyme and other tick-borne diseases through innovative research, awareness, and empowering the patient voice.


Our vision: A world free of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.


The funds we raise are distributed after great deliberation to support researchers at accredited universities conducting evidence-based research. Our grant-making criteria give precedence to those programs and researchers whose work is most likely to deliver publishable results that will advance the scientific knowledge of tick-borne diseases and ultimately a cure.

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Education & Awareness

GLA offers the general public and physicians significant education and awareness initiatives, including the Lyme Education Ambassador Program (LEAP), an interactive school curriculum, a camp awareness program, and a CME-accredited medical education program for healthcare professionals.

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Patient Services

GLA is here to support Lyme and tick-borne disease patients and caregivers at every stage of their journey. Whether you are searching for answers and resources, looking for a Lyme-treating physician, want information on clinical trials, or want to connect with fellow patients, GLA is here to help.

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GLA events range from large-scale galas, charity endurance programs, sporting events, to intimate grassroots fundraisers. There is an opportunity for everyone—sponsor, attend, organize, host, donate—to help GLA create real change in the battle against Lyme disease.

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