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Together, we can make a lasting impact. Your support fuels groundbreaking research, drives awareness, and powers programs that help those battling Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. As we look ahead, your continued commitment brings us closer to a world free from Lyme.


GLA News and Lyme Updates


The 4th Annual Charity Golf & Inaugural Pickleball Tournament - June 9th in Greenwich, CT!


Global Lyme Alliance Announces New Research Grants to Address Critical Gaps in Lyme Disease Research


Stay informed with the latest blogs, updates, and stories from GLA—click below to explore insights from the forefront of Lyme disease research and hear the empowering voices of patients.

Ravel Health

NEW! Affordable virtual care for Lyme disease

2023 Annual Report

Through innovative research, awareness, and empowering the patient voice, GLA is making progress and creating real change.


The Lyme+ Podcast, in Association with Global Lyme Alliance


The highly anticipated 9th Annual GLA Gala returned on October 9th in NYC!


Global Lyme Alliance Names Dr. Armin Alaedini as Chief Scientific Officer

2024 Research Grants

Global Lyme Alliance Funds $1.1 Million in Research Grants

Upcoming Webinar

GLA & Invisible International Lyme & Tick-borne Disease CME (Continuing Medical Education) Webinar

White Paper

From the GLA Science Team: Persister Bacteria & Lyme Disease: A Connection?

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We are looking for dedicated people who are passionate about spreading Lyme awareness (and more)!


Global Lyme Alliance Announces New Research Grants to Address Critical Gaps in Lyme Disease Research

  • What is Lyme Disease
  • Symptoms
  • Prevention
  • Find a Doctor

Lyme disease is an illness caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. These bacteria are carried by the black-legged tick. When an infected tick bites you, it can transfer bacteria under the skin, leading to infection. If diagnosed and treated early, many patients recover. However, if not diagnosed or treated early, Lyme can develop into a chronic illness.

Learn about Lyme disease.

Lyme disease, known as "The Great Imitator," mimics many other conditions like multiple sclerosis, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and lupus. Lyme symptoms are wide-ranging, with more than a hundred different symptoms recorded. Symptoms can also change over time as the bacteria spreads throughout the body. If you've been having unexplained symptoms, consider Lyme disease.

Learn about the stages and symptoms

Tick bite prevention is critical. Ticks are more active than ever before, and in more areas than ever before. Practicing good tick bite prevention habits is the best way to prevent Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. Good habits range from what clothing you wear, where you walk, and how often you check for ticks.

Learn how to Be Tick AWARE

Diagnosing Lyme disease can often be complex and easy to miss, given the severe limitations of diagnostic testing, wide-ranging symptoms, and a lack of education about the disease. Diagnosis should be based on a combination of clinical evaluation from a knowledgeable healthcare provider and diagnostic testing. Early and accurate diagnosis is essential in treating Lyme. GLA provides a free service to help you find a Lyme specialist in your area.

Find a doctor in your area

About Global Lyme Alliance (GLA)

The Research

Over $20 million awarded to our research program. 

#MyLymeLife Research Doctors
Our Process

Novel Research. Measurable Advances. GLA’s world-class Scientific Advisory Board awards  grants to researchers at accredited universities conducting evidence-based research. 

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GLA’s Scientific Advisory Board
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Our Impact

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Science graphic against team of scientists working together

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Living with these multiple diseases has quite literally stolen my life.”

- Philanthropist and animal rights activist Marisol Thomas

Global Lyme Alliance is the leading nonprofit dedicated to conquering Lyme and other tick- borne diseases.

Our Mission: Cure Lyme and other tick-borne diseases through innovative research, awareness, and empowering the patient voice.


Our vision: A world free of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.

Learn more about GLA and our important work